“Sculptures made from waste lawn clippings for a speculative rewilded future.” - Supermrin. Artist video produced at Sculpture Space, Utica, New York in Fall 2023. By Matt Ossowski in collaboration with Mohawk Valley Pictures.


Going Circular in the City, Columbia University, 2023
RJB Swiss Radio Interview in French, FIELD 2023
ArtNet: Artists Are Launching Cutting-Edge Residencies Outside New York City, by Maddie Klett, 2023
The New Farmers Almanac, Adjustments and Accommodations, FIELD chapter publication, 2022
Beyond the Expanded Field, Supermrin presents at the Mid-South Sculpture Alliance, 2021
School of Architecture Advocates for Climate Education with Pavilions & Projects on Governors Island, 2021
Interview with Naomi Kirshner for The American Scholar, 2019.
Great Worry or Great Freedom, curated by Rhiannon Evans MacFayden, Black and White Projects, 2018.
Curatorial Note, Rhiannon Evans MacFayden.
Interview with Kate Harding, Bicoastal Carpool, 2019.
Field, Site-in-Process, Exhibition Catalogue, 2019.
Field, ProArts Gallery and COMMONS.
Oakland Public Arts Presentation, City of Oakland.
Field, Research Open House, Pratt Institute.
Interview with curator Zahra Banyamerian, New York Foundation for the Arts, 2019.
Interview with curator Emily Alexander, San Francisco Art Institute, 2016.
Performance by Laura Inserra, 2016.
SF Chronicle
Press Release, The Original Disruptors, San Francisco Art Institute
Red Carpet Review San Francisco, CA.
The Original Disruptor, Official Video, 2017.
SFAI Official on Twitter
Roommates, curated by Emily Alexander
Curatorial Note, Aaron Wilder, Binary Unbinding, 2016.
Tapovan on Archhello
Tapovan Review
Tapovan on Architecture Live
Tapovan on Design Today
The Indian Express, 2011
India at 100 Competition